Q & A

Frequently asked questions….

When can I choose my Fiscal Intermediary?

After your contract is signed you may schedule an appointment at LifeLong ADVOCACY with our Director, Dorothy Witherow, to set up your business and become an employer.

What are my responsibilities as business owner?

  • Submitting a new hire packet with all required forms to process your employees.
  • Oversee your employees by setting their schedules and rate of pay.
  • Verify and submit a copy of your timesheets to our payroll department on the 1st and 16th of each month.  The originals are submitted to your support coordinator within 5 days of the close of the payroll period.
  • Timesheets must have the signatures of both the business owner and employee.
  • All employees must be current with their training certifications in order to be paid.

LifeLong ADVOCACY makes sure your employees/personal assistants are paid on the 10th and 25th of each month with appropriate taxes withheld from each check.  All invoices other than payroll will be paid no later than 30 days from receipt.

How long does approval take?

Once IPOS and contract is signed an authorization will be approved for your services. From start to finish this process may take 4-6 weeks

What is Self-Determination and how can I participate?

Self-determination is when you control your individual budget by carrying out your plan specific to your needs outlined in your person centered plan.  You choose the supports needed including your caregivers, fiscal intermediary and other services authorized in your plan of service.

If you are not currently receiving support services from Macomb County Community Mental Health, your first step is to call the Access Center at 586-948-0222 and schedule an appointment to determine if you are eligible for services to participate in the self-determination program.

Your eligibility is required before an Individual Plan of Service (IPOS) may be developed with specific goals to the individual needs.   A supports coordinator is assigned to help you with this process. Your support coordinator/case management agency will follow the procedures leading you to the final step of signing your contract.   This contract is the Choice Voucher agreement with the Self-Determination program through Macomb County Community Mental Health.

What is a plan of service meeting?

Your support coordinator/case management agency, consumer and the family caregivers propose a Person Centered Plan which is submitted to Macomb County Community Mental Health for approval.  If approved the next step to sign the contract to participate in the Self-Determination program.

What are my responsibilities as a business owner?

  • To ensure my employees are fully-trained per the requirements of the program prior to allowing my employee(s) to work.
  • To stay within my authorization(s) and contact my support coordinator if my service needs change.
  • To verify and approve all payroll/service notes prior to submission.
  • To sign only completed forms and not sign blank forms.
  • To submit payroll in a timely manner, per the requirements of my fiscal intermediary.
  • To submit original service notes/data sheets within 5 days of the close of the payroll period to my support coordination/case management agency.
  • To annually sign my Self-determination/Choice Voucher Agreement.

 Who does the Hiring?  You do the hiring and firing!  Your personal needs are 1st priority. As a business owner, you choose your staff.

  • Choose the employee that is a good fit for the person with disabilities and your family. Choose an employee that is familiar with your person centered plan to provide the support services you need.

You have the Freedom to Hire Employees of your choosing!

For more information, visit the link below to ARC of Michigan to review the Hiring and Managing Personal Assistants booklet. This PDF is an excellent resources for your business!  ARC of Michigan>Information & Resources>Hiring and Managing Personal Assistants    http://www.arcmi.org/new/info.htm