Our goal is to provide dependable Fiscal Intermediary services to individuals with special needs who choose to live a Self-Determined life.
What is a Fiscal Intermediary? A Fiscal Intermediary (FI) is a person or agency who helps you manage your budget and pay your bills if you are using a self-determination approach. The FI will use the funds from your self-determination budget to pay your staff, and will report the services they provide to Community Mental Health.
An FI will pay your service/support bills with money from Medicaid, MCCMH, or other sources. Your fiscal intermediary will pay for things that are authorized in your Person-Centered Plan and your self-determination budget. You will receive monthly statements so you and your support team can see how you are doing with your budget. As the business owner you’ll avoid the pressure of tax season as we prepare your taxes.
When you hire your own staff, you must follow state and federal laws as an “employer of record.” Hiring a Fiscal Intermediary will help you with these things and insure that your employee/caregiver has all the certifications needed to be a part of your staff.
If you are interested in finding about more Self-Determination or our Fiscal Intermediary services
please contact usat (586) 846.2457.
Our friendly service makes the process less stressful and easier to understand. Our experience and knowledge ensure that we are always up to date on the latest changes to tax laws and financial regulations.
- Quick response to calls and requests
- Conveniently located in Macomb County
- Direct Deposit available for employees
- 24 Hour Drop Box, fax and email submission
- Face to Face consultations available at our office or in your home
- Experienced, caring, professionals providing personalized service
You can trust LifeLong Advocacy
as your Fiscal Intermediary Professional.
LifeLong ADVOCACY will help mange your budget as we process payroll, bill your agencies and oversee your workers compensation policy.
By choosing LifeLong ADVOCACY, you’ll gain the confidence of knowing that your finances are in the hands of a professional.. Our staff offers unmatched client support and our role is clearly defined within your Self-Determination contract.
An initial consultation will set up your business with LifeLong ADVOCACY as your Fiscal Intermediary–so why not contact us at 586.846.2457.