Traditional Self-Determination

Per Macomb County Community Mental Health (MCCMH), “staff hired through self-determination arrangements must be qualified providers. If staff does not meet the minimum training requirements, the fiscal intermediary will not be able to pay the staff with the self-determination budget dollars. It is the responsibility of the Employer of Record and/or Managing Employer to track training.”

Please carefully review the below certification requirements for Traditional Self-Determination cases.

To assist the Employer of Record and/or Managing Employer, please use the below Training Grid and Training Tracking forms provided by MCCMH.

Please note that the consumer’s name or case number needs to be included and legible on all documents so that we can process them in a timely manner.


It is imperative that staff use the specified links below to complete the trainings as they are the only ones accepted by MCCMH.



PLEASE NOTE: Staff only needs to complete the training on ONE of the sites if more than one is listed.

Bloodborne Pathogens: Renewal every year and prior to the first day of work – completed certificate must be sent to the FI.

  • Must be OSHA/MIOSHA approved.
  • Please visit HTTP://PLP.MIVU.ORG
    • There is a cost of $20 for this course. Please reach out to your Fiscal Intermediary to verify if there is room for reimbursement in the budget.
    • Registration is required to print the certificate. Please enter “Bloodborne Pathogens 2024-25” in the search box to locate the free class. Certificate is available within 3-4 hours upon completion of course, notification sent via email by PLP.
  • Please visit DETROIT WAYNE CONNECT and search for “Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Pathogens/Infection Control”.
    • NOTE: Even though this class is available every two years, the county requires renewal every year.
  • Please visit IMPROVING MI PRACTICES and search for “Infection Control & Standard Precautions”.

Basic First Aid: Renewal every 2 years and within 30 days of hire – completed certificate must be sent to the FI CAN BE DONE IN-PERSON OR ONLINE.

Person-Centered-Planning: Renewal at least once a year and after significant changes to PCP and prior to first day of work – verification form completed and sent to FI.

  • Click HERE for the IPOS form.
  • Specific to person’s Individual Plan of Service.
  • Completed by the individual served, his/her guardian or personal representative.
  • Reach out to Primary Case Holder for more information.
  • Lifelong recommends staff/guardian keeps a digital copy of the completed IPOS form.

Recipient Rights: Renewal every 2 years and within 30 days of hire – verification form given to staff upon completion of training.

  • Please click HERE for the March 2025 training dates.
    • Please visit TRAINING.MCCMH.NET for the MCCMH class schedules.
      • For all registration questions and concerns please contact the Office of Recipient Rights at 586-469-6528.
        • Staff will need to bring their date of hire and the name of their employer or Fiscal Intermediary in order to enter the training.

Emergency Preparedness: Renewal every year and within 30 days of hire – verification form completed and sent to FI.



Cultural Competency: Renewal as needed – completed certificate must be sent to the FI.

  • This training is marked as STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, per the MCCMH training guide.

Corporate Compliance and HIPAA: Renewal as needed – verification form sent to the FI.

CPR: Renewal every 2 years and within 30 days of hire – completed certificate must be sent to the FICANNOT BE TAKEN ONLINE, WE CANNOT ACCEPT THE PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE.

Grievance and Appeals: Renewal as needed – completed certificate must be sent to the FI.

  • This training is marked as STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, per the MCCMH training guide.

Limited English Proficiency: Renewal as needed – completed certificate must be sent to the FI.

  • This training is marked as STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, per the MCCMH training guide.

Trauma-Informed Care Training for Non-Clinical and Paraprofessional: Renewal as needed – completed certificate must be sent to the FI.

  • This training is marked as STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, per the MCCMH training guide.

Behavior Treatment Plan: Renewed after each behavior treatment plan review, annually thereafter and prior to first day work – verification form completed and sent to FI.

  • Required for staff only if there is a Behavior Treatment Plan on file.
  • Completed by the behaviorist responsible for implementation of behavior treatment plan.