2014 OUCARES Film Premiere
10/25/2014, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
For two weeks in August, OUCARES delivered an innovative summer camp for children with autism as well as their typically developing peers. The two-week film camp was designed especially for children on the autism spectrum and was produced on the campus of Oakland University. Led by well-known actor, director and entertainer Joey Travolta, participants learned to write, act, direct and edit their own film.
The camp provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity in the arts for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in an inclusive setting. The film premiere will showcase the short film produced by the participants to the viewing public and celebrate the accomplishments of the participants.Ticket Cost: $25
Honorary Chairperson: Joey Travolta
To purchase tickets go to www.oakland.edu/oucaresstore and select EVENTS
Oakland Center Banquet Rooms
Rochester Michigan, 48309
Contact Information