Many of our chapters have been busy the past two months executing service projects made possible by a grant from The Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency that leads national Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. Many perceive people with disabilities as the ones in need of service – but in reality, they are often a part of civic engagement at the state, local, and national level. Chapters executed great projects, including food drives and food delivery events. Check out our Facebook page for highlights and pictures from the chapters, and head over to our blog to see a recap of each chapter’s exciting work. Thank you to The Arc of Luzerne County, The Arc of Greater Twin Cities, The Arc of the Glades, TARC, The Arc Nature Coast, The Arc Big Bend, The Arc of the Midlands, The Arc Genesee, Walton County Arc, and The Arc of Virginia for participating in this wonderful opportunity with us! |